Case Examples

Case Example 1:
DSARM arrives in advance to coordinate private sector VIP visits in high risk countries. This particular visit would have been jeopardized if DSARM personnel had not informed the client to not bring in any sort of electronic equipment. In this particular country, any type of electronic security equipment was illegal to import. The VIP detail team members and travelers would have had all equipment seized, forfeited, and all members could have either been jailed if permitted entry, held without due process or simply refused entry costing everyone thousands of dollars.

Case Example 2:
DSARM personnel temporarily embedded with a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) on an urgent basis. The groups views did not align with the host government and the entire team needed superior security to remain safe.NGO personnel were at risk daily simply by working out of their office. Our personnel coordinated with NGO to develop courses of action to include training, providing crisis management scenarios and developing all drawdown plans from phase one to country evacuation.

Case Example 3:
Our personnel team conducted advance country vulnerability analysis in a high risk country. Analysis consisted of executing all route analysis for choke points, predictable areas of travel, and practicing evasive actions to include alternate routes and locating safe havens along all routes.
Our 2nd team conducted physical security surveys of local hotels with accompanying vulnerability assessments and photographs, identified safe and secure restaurants that could accommodate VIPs that had identifiable emergency egress and escape routes in the event of an attack.
Planning Ahead Alleviates Pressure when the Time Comes
DSARM provides customized travel security for corporate, government or private travelers. We ensure your safety from the beginning of your trip through to it’s end, and our solutions provide peace of mind during you transportation, accommodation, official, private and recreational activities. As experts in African Travel Security, we provide customized solutions that are far superior to off-the-shelf packages often offered by travel agencies and generic security companies.
As a DSARM client, we ensure your safety throughout your entire trip, and you can rely on us providing professional, world-class security services. Each client has their own unique needs and objectives, and we provide flexible security solutions that cater to your every need.